2011-12 NY People II
(Intro from 2011-12 NY People I)
My quarantine against the COVID-19 virus has allowed me, and eventually forced me, to dig deeply into my past work.
Truth be told, my quarantine started long before the damned virus appeared. For the last five or six years, since I left the Bank, I've been going through all my chromes.
Most of what I put up on these collections has been foreign countries.
I miss New York, the New York we all miss. So I thought it would be good to look at it.
For a myriad of reasons I picked 2011-2012. This is one of the first collections of relatively recent photos I've shown.
It’s also one of the few collections that is not Kodachrome, not even film, but digital.
2011 and 2012 proved quite fruitful. And when I got it edited down to 2,000 photos it finally occurred to me I that I’d better break it down. So here is 2011-2012 NY People.
More images on 2011-2012 to come, but God knows when.