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End of Part II_lineups017Lineups8No81 End of Part II_lineups017Lineups8No81

From the Lineups II collection

(Intro from Lineups I)

Again, as with other subjects such as Walking and Talking, which will appear soon, I never set out to shoot a picture of lineups.

These pictures revealed themselves to me much later on as I put these collections together.

Lineups do call out to you as you shoot and you realize that they are created in diverse ways: people literally on line in various social situations; people lined up because of the architecture they happen to be in; people posing for photographs ( I love to shoot lineups of groups posing for someone else), and finally, people whom you are lucky to find unconsciously falling into that pattern.

End of Part II_lineups017Lineups8No81


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From the Lineups II collection

(Intro from Lineups I)

Again, as with other subjects such as Walking and Talking, which will appear soon, I never set out to shoot a picture of lineups.

These pictures revealed themselves to me much later on as I put these collections together.

Lineups do call out to you as you shoot and you realize that they are created in diverse ways: people literally on line in various social situations; people lined up because of the architecture they happen to be in; people posing for photographs ( I love to shoot lineups of groups posing for someone else), and finally, people whom you are lucky to find unconsciously falling into that pattern.