On my first trip to Milan in the 1960's, when I got off the plane, what I saw was a winter wonderland: ice on all the trees, on the power lines, everywhere.
Unfortunately it was my first trip to Europe and I didn’t have much cash, but what I did have was sixteen cases–yeah I know I was young and ignorant, but now I’m old and stupid.
I had to take a bus into town or pay for two taxis. I took the bus but I did get the one ice storm picture.
As always the people were great to shoot but there were other things.
While I was walking around shooting an older man stopped me and gesturing to the cameras asked me, “Have you been to the Duomo?”
“You have gone all the way to the top?”
“You have gone to the Castello Sforzecca?”
“You have seen Da Vinci’s Last Supper?”
“You have seen Michelangelo’s Pietá?”
“Va bene. You can go home now.”